Read my award-winning debut novel, Year of the Amphibian.

  About the book

IndieReader Discovery Awards 2019:
- Winner, Best First Book
"A timeless, beautifully written coming-of-age story about transformation and self-acceptance." - 5/5 stars (read full review)
Eric Hoffer Awards 2019:
- Finalist, Fiction
Next Generation Indie Book Awards 2019:
- Finalist, General Fiction / Novel (over 80,000 words)
- Finalist, First Novel (over 90,000 words)

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~ Journal 10 ~

Seeing the Seattle Symphony do Sibelius' "Kullervo" was supposed to be a highlight of the year, but I went home feeling underwhelmed. Admittedly Kullervo is an early work and not perfect, but it has many fun parts — not to mention passages of true inspiration — and moreover it's music I know. But th...

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The Day After is a recent film by Hong Sang-soo that showed at the Northwest Film Forum. Filmed in spare black and white, little of what actually happens in the film couldn't be found in a second-rate soap, but that's intentional. Pieces of the story are assembled into a puzzling and absorbing wh...

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Medtner-itis is something you catch from other Medtner nerds. Patient zero was Medtner himself, apparently criticised for writing works titled "Fairy Tale" during the first world war. That kind of myopia did pay dividends, though. While sticking stubbornly both to tonality and to a l...

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Thelma has been listed by some as one of the better films of 2017, but I found it only intermittently convincing. A few striking scenes have stuck with me to be sure, not least because of the film's measured pace, but despite often wishing movies would take more time I felt like this one was stretc...

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Here's another childhood-related movie I've been wanting to see: The Spirit Of The Beehive from 1973. I finally rented it it from Reckless, and I don't think I'll ever forget it. Though the film does ultimately follow the imaginative world of children, it also concerns the adults: the girls'...

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