Read my award-winning debut novel, Year of the Amphibian.

  About the book

IndieReader Discovery Awards 2019:
- Winner, Best First Book
"A timeless, beautifully written coming-of-age story about transformation and self-acceptance." - 5/5 stars (read full review)
Eric Hoffer Awards 2019:
- Finalist, Fiction
Next Generation Indie Book Awards 2019:
- Finalist, General Fiction / Novel (over 80,000 words)
- Finalist, First Novel (over 90,000 words)

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~ Journal 27 ~

I came across honeys from this apiary when I was stopping over in Twisp, WA before a backpacking trip. At the local natural foods store, a whole shelf gleamed with Cougar Canyon honeys, each enticingly hand-labeled with the place the bees sat and the date of extraction, such as “Fox Mountain, 7/18”....

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I first met Ron and Donna Allard at a farmer’s market in Winthrop, Washington when I was on my way back from a backpacking trip this summer. They had traveled over there to sell their delicious alfalfa honey. They told me about their canola honey, which they didn’t have with them at the time. Not ha...

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